Saturday, January 22, 2011

Like Rome before us...maybe?

Yep, it's true....we are in no way ready to come together and act like Americans. The wealthy and powerful elite, who now own 24% of all income as well as over 50% of all American wealth, continue to purchase our democracy each and every day. And every now and then, they look down at the other 95% of us and laugh at how we are squabbling over birth certificates, and states rights, and terrorism, and border security, etc. etc. etc.

And we allow our reps to give away the country to these people, and to China, and to India and call it "free trade" and "jobs" and "globalization". Manufacturing jobs have been gutted, wages are dropping, jobs have left America with the help of our govt. All the while we call each other socialist, and fascists, and liberal, and conservative because we don't know what else to do.

This year, our cities will really start to collapse...our states will begin to really gut safety nets for our sick and elderly and our youth...and many of you will smile and applaud these efforts while your neighbor suffers or maybe your own family will suffer.

America doesn't want to fix things....we want to bicker and yell at each other and feel superior to the guy down the street. We want to wave our flags and still believe we're the biggest baddest country in the world...and we're not anymore. We like believing the helps us sleep a bit better

Time to dive into the deep end, America

As a staunch believer in Democratic Socialism, I have to say that America must stop pussy footing around with it's love affair with libertarianism. It's time for America to get off the fence and jump into the deep end of the libertarian pool.

So many of my fellow Americans continue to rail against government and scream for freedom and liberty and American exceptional-ism. Well, it's time, America to stop your ranting, stand up and shout to the hills

"We don't need no stinking government!"

Well, hang on a minute....we've got to keep the military but nothing else.

Let the free-market reign supreme in Americans everyday lives. No more more public schools....privatize all aspects of our lives such as police, fire, EMT, roads, bridges, water, electricity...don't even have courts since the market could come up with various ways to settle disputes. Let people buy and sell anything they want. No rules. No regulations. Guns available to everyone. No food safety laws. No drug control. If people get hurt or die it's obviously only because of their bad choices and remember....those idiots will have served to teach others while at the same time their deaths will weed them out of society.

America has never truly embraced liberalism. Oh it tried with the New Deal and the Great Society, but that pesky military industrial complex along with religious zealotry came along and successfully convinced America that wars and rich people were way more important than a middle class. Maggie Thatcher, Milton Friedman, Ronald Reagan...they made Americans realize that wealth, power, and most importantly freedom were only attainable when govt and regulation simply got out of the way.

So c'mon,'re like the teenage girl who secretly yearns for the "bad boy" (libertarianism) but refuses to leave the nice guy (regulated markets) who always forgets their anniversary. Don't put it off any longer. You must take the next step and embrace libertarianism. Grow a pair, dude. Man up and do away with that awful pro-federal government document called The Constitution and go back to State power under the Articles of Confederation. Let the states and regions rule their own lives. Embrace social darwinism openly..."Survival of the fittest", right? "I've got mine, so screw you all", right?

So, stop the bullshit. Stop whining about "minimal government". That's not what you really want. Don't be shy now...let's go all the way. Who knows, maybe it will usher in an American Paradise, a true "Pax Americana". We won't know until we try.

Do we have the guts to do it? Stop screwing around with the bad boy and get married. Have a few kids. What have you got to lose?