Saturday, August 2, 2008

Big oil and Drilling for $$$

Ok, so the latest screed from the right (as well as the media) is that we can provide quick relief for gas prices and also screw the likes of Hugo Chavez by just letting Exxon/Mobil drill, drill, and drill for oil off our shores.

We are being told by John McCain that current drilling technology is clean, and safe. Please tell that to the gulf coast residents that lived through Hurricane Katrina

So we know it's not clean nor safe. But, let's say that more oil is pumped from US offshore rigs. Somebody please tell me what impact that will have on oil prices? Now? 6 months? I'm looking for someone to give me numbers here.

The fact is even if we drilled in ANWR, and everywhere we could off our shores, AND we didn't sell it on the open market but kept it for our selves, it would serve our needs for about 1 year according to the US Energy Information Administration.

Wakeup, Americans!

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