Friday, October 10, 2008

Sometimes a duck....

From January of 1995 to January of 2007 (12 years) the Republican party has maintained control of the House and Senate. (during the 107th congress, control shifted temporarily to Dems with the Jeffords defection from the GOP)

For 8 of those years, Jan 2001 - Jan 2009, the Republican party has controlled the White House.

Using Ronald Reagan's great question...Are you (or the country)better off now then you were 8 or even 12 years ago?

It's a simple question...if you answer YES, then you will most likely vote for McCain even knowing that he admitted to voting to support Bush policies over 90% of the time. But that doesn't matter to you because you LIKE what has happened to our country under conservative control.

But if you believe we are NOT better off now, then now is the time for a change of control in Washington.

Yeah, it's a simple way to look at it, but....sometimes a duck is really a duck.

Conservatives, you've had your step aside and let us give it a go!


Anonymous said...

The problem with your statement is that the government was not under conservative control. Bush was terrible and spent more than most democrats.

WakeUp! Americans said...

The government has been under conservative control since Reagan took office. Tax breaks for the wealthy, de-regulation, privatize everything, supply side economics. Even Clinton drank the kool-aid with NAFTA and GATT.

Under "W", Greenspan and the Chicago School economists saw that while productivity went up, wages stayed level or went down. Since demand (Wages) drive the economy, when wages couldn't do it, we were told to use our houses as ATM's and runn up massive credit card debt. (Remember Reagan's quote "Deficits don't matter")

So now were reaping the rewards of living on debt, invading 2 countries, and letting the financial industry run wild in the "so called" free market.

That is conservative control...out of control.